This site focuses on do-it-yourself webmasters who use PHP (as part of the LAMP infrastructure). Still, you will likely hear about something called Ruby on Rails (RoR), which is sometimes touted as a better alternative to using PHP.
Hivelogic’s Dan Benjamin has written a useful article, “Getting Started with Ruby on Rails,” from which you can learn what Ruby on Rails is (and isn’t), and where it fits into the spectrum of web development and design.
In another good article, “Creating More Using Less Effort with Ruby on Rails,” Michael Slater attempts to demystify Ruby on Rails and convince you that you can make the leap–and that it is a leap worth making if your needs fit within the Ruby on Rails “sweet spot.”
As for me, reading both of those articles, especially the latter, actually made me more confident in my decision to stick with PHP. But, at least now my decision is an educated one.
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