Email Marketing Software and Services

Handling email, whether it is for a newsletter, autoresponder, drip campaigns, etc., is one of those things that doesn’t seem so challenging until you try to do it. And, in fact, for small volumes, it probably isn’t that difficult. But, once you start getting any significant number of subscribers, things get complicated. You want to make sure your server can handle the volume and you … [ Read more ]

Code Tools

Code writing tools range greatly – from the standard Notepad that comes with Windows to complex platform emulation tools. And then there is a vast land of what-you-see-is-what-you-get (WYSIWYG) tools which provide fancy graphical user interfaces and drag-and-drop features to ease creation of code.

Do-It-Yourself Editors

It may seem odd to many that a bunch of webmasters, myself included, prefer to code without the aid of a … [ Read more ]

Version Control Systems

As a do-it-yourself webmaster, you probably aren’t going to be starting and/or working on open source projects. But, you might, and more likely, you will be using a lot of open source software. In either case, you will undoubtedly come across something known as a version control system (aka revision control or source control). The two main ones out there are CVS and Subversion (sourceforge … [ Read more ]


The PHP Extension and Application Repository, or PEAR, is a framework and distribution system for PHP code components. Stig S. Bakken founded the PEAR project in 1999 to promote the re-use of code that performs common functions. The project seeks to provide a structured library of code, maintain a system for distributing code and for managing code packages, and promote a standard coding style.

While PEAR … [ Read more ]

httpd.conf file

On Apache servers, the httpd.conf file is the main file of concern when modifying settings and functionality.

Depending on the hosting package and provider you chose, you may or may not have access to this file to modify. You may also have access to make limited changes via a graphical control panel. The default settings of your hosting package will dictate which, if any, changes might … [ Read more ]

Troubleshooting Hosting Problems

As a do-it-yourself webmaster relying on shared hosting you will invariably have times where your website appears to be unreachable or suffering from latency or other performance problems. Here is a quick guide for troubleshooting.

Trouble reaching a website or performance issues with a reachable website can usually be attributed to one of the following:

  • Your PC. To verify this, try accessing your site from another computer

… [ Read more ]

Useful Code Snippets / Tutorials

Occasionally I come across useful sample code or tutorials. Many of these I don’t actually end up using, but since they are useful for learning or possibly for a future use, I save them.